Bosnia and Herzegovina
The very best of Bosnia and Herzegovin holidays and tours
Titos Bunker
One of the greatest Yugoslav secret! The secret has been preserved for more than 50 years. Only four commanders knew about the existence of a bunker, in addition to workers who were carefully selected and who had to sign the…

Sarajevo War Tunnel Museum
This museum preserves the hand-dug tunnel that kept Sarajevo afloat during the Serbian siege. During a large portion of the 1990s Sarajevo was under siege by Serbian forces who controlled almost the entire city. However, Bosniak loyalists built a tunnel…

Mystery of Bosnia’s Pyramids
Can You Solve the Mystery of Bosnia’s Pyramids? What if I told you that Bosnia is home to a complex of pyramids that make the Pyramids of Giza look like a child’s toy? Local archaeologist Semir Osmanagic makes this claim,…

Bullfights of Grmec
Two bulls enter. One leaves a champion—but neither loses its life.